Product Details
The Cohiba Behike 52 is an exceptional, flavorful and already aged Cuban cigar. This Cohiba cigar (named after its ring gauge) is rolled with the finest tobacco in Cuba, Volado, Seco and Ligero and also Medio Tiempo (which are the top leaves of only certain sun grown tobacco plants). What differentiates the BHK 52 from the other cigars within the Cohiba line is that the leaves used for the filler are already aged, and as a result this cigar doesn’t require aging to reveal such an exceptional taste and character. The main aromas developed by this cigar are of creamy coffee and of rich earthy flavors, which are reminiscent of well-aged cigars. The BHK 52 lives up to its reputation and is worth every penny. This is indeed a unique cigar, and a very rewarding experience that will delight the true Cuban connoiseurs.
Ring Gauge: 52
Length: 119mm
Strength: Medium to Full
Taste: Woody
Box: 10 cigars