Our standard shipping method is Cuban Cigars in Bundle presentation (labels included) packed in generic boxes and sent via EMS courier. Please keep in mind that (TCC.COM) is focused in worldwide customers looking for 100% authentic Cuban cigars but sent without original boxes in order to avoid Customs issues and high taxations (specially when the USA). There is a wide niche of customers tired of paying high taxes due to original boxes and tired of receiving Court Citations because of seized parcels shipped in original boxes. We do ship the rings (labels) in envelopes (to the USA) and ship them via Certified Mail and they do reach you, we guarantee delivery!
To the rest of the world Cuban Cigars Bundles are packed and sent with labels on, unless customer requests otherwise.
However, WE ARE TOTALLY CAPABLE TO SHIP ALSO IN ORIGINAL SEALED BOXES. For this option you can click on the tab (menu) CUBAN SEALED BOXES option or you can request so via email and we will email a payment link. If this option is chosen for the USA, we ship everything separately (cigars via Courier and labels, rings and original box via Ordinary Mail) and we guarantee delivery. If an USA customer wants to receive a SEALED BOX in the USA, we can do it but due to the high risk of having the product seized and destroyed, customer will process payment via Bank Transfer, Money Gram or Western Union.
FOR VISA, MASTER CARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS payments, please email us in advance at [email protected] letting us know that you will use any of the above credit cards mentioned and we will email you a payment link (this due to tobacco online credit cards restrictions).
In regards delivery schedules the product(s) will be delivered to the address indicated within a period of 5 to 7 business days to the US / America, and 10 business days to the rest of the world. The delivery time may vary depending on the country involved and their postal service policies. In case delivery is made and nobody is at the indicated address to accept delivery, the carrier might leave a note indicating that it was unsuccessful in making the delivery and the Customer should come to recover the Products at a location specified by the carrier. (TCC.COM) will not, for any reason, be held liable for any deterioration in the Products due to a Customers failure to collect the Products in a timely manner. On the other hand, if the Order never arrives and there is no proof of delivery on behalf the Courier Company and/or if the product is damaged due to transportation (pictures must be emailed by Customer) then (TCC.COM) will replace full order at no extra cost.
Customers should accommodate and BE FULLY AWARE to any laws or taxes applicable in their countries and will take full responsibility of any risks if they exist for example: confiscation of goods, high tax amounts or further paperwork requests. True Cuban Cigars will help, assist as much as possible, even might replace order upon payment of 50% of original order, but will not become responsible for any of the above.